MPA Factbook 2020


While the industry still has much to learn about the lasting impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, data from the first half of 2020 show that magazines are finding a new importance – particularly among young people and women. Findings also reflect the power of magazines’ social media presence and ability to connect with consumers in unique times of need.

Consumers are adjusting to the “new normal” of COVID-19, which means advertisers must stay up to date with changes in consumer sentiment and media usage as a result of this global health crisis. While the lasting effects of the pandemic remain to be seen, early data from Mri-simmons, Mediaradar, Havas Media USA, Crowdtangle, and Meredith show that magazines’ relevance is growing in new ways.

For example, a shift to more "in-home" reading coincides with more visitation to magazine websites. Additionally, younger consumers and women demonstrate an increased interest in magazines. And on the social front, the realities of COVID-19 life led Facebook users to share more content from food and recipe magazines after “stay at home” orders went info effect and eating out was less accessible.



